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PROC 2001 Food Science 2
This subject introduces students to the principles of food preservation, including heat treatments, chilling, freezing, dehydration, pickles and fermentation. Factors affecting food quality are explored with respect to microbial, chemical and physical changes in food and their effects on food safety, nutritional value and sensory characteristics. The basic principles of good manufacturing practises, sanitation and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) for control of food safety will be studied in relation to the design of safe food manufacturing processes. The application of the food preservation principles to the processing of food products is covered through hands-on practicals in the pilot plant.
PROC 2001 Food Science 2
PROC 2001 Food Science 2 300842
Construction, Testamur Major (T034)
...Engineering Materials, replaced by PROC 1008 - Introduction to...2019 or earlier. GEOM 2001 - Quantity Surveying 1...