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ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas
This subject describes the relevant planning issues for bushfire prone areas and the measures that can be implemented to ensure appropriate development in these areas. A knowledge and understanding of the planning, design and construction of the urban form is important if we are to manage the risk of bushfire on the community. It is also fundamental in our understanding of the management of development for bushfires and the necessary infrastructure for bushfire suppression and property protection in bushfire prone areas. Topics include conceptual planning issues, determining bushfire prone areas, bushfire and planning legislation, strategic and regional planning for bushfire, subdivision, defendable space and construction, design, staging and siting, vulnerable developments, industry and other forms of commercial use, landscaping and maintenance, and water and access.
ARCH 7004 - Planning and Development Control
ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas
ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas 301049
Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Protection (3793)
...40 credit points) upon completion of subjects ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas , BLDG...
Master of Planning (1712)
...2: Proposing and Justifying Research, replaced by ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas BLDG...