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ELEC 1004 Electrical Fundamentals (WSTC AssocD)
The objective of this subject is to introduce to the student a number of concepts within electrical engineering. These include basic definitions of charge, current, potential difference, power; electric circuits and basic laws such as Ohm's and Kirchoff's Laws; Thevenin, Norton's and the maximum power theorems; electromagnetism and the associated fundamental laws; capacitor and resistor circuits and time constants; an introduction to Electronics; communication waves; Logic gates and number systems; and an introduction to Electrical Machines and Renewable Energy systems. Basic principles are explained and applied to a range of typical electrical circuits and devices. These foundations provide students with the basic requirements for a career in engineering where the concepts can be developed or applied to more complex engineering systems.
ELEC 1004 Electrical Fundamentals (WSTC AssocD)
ELEC 1004 Electrical Fundamentals (WSTC AssocD) 700104